[SciPy-User] Proposal for a new data analysis toolbox

Dag Sverre Seljebotn dagss at student.matnat.uio.no
Thu Nov 25 01:45:44 EST 2010

On 11/25/2010 07:40 AM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn wrote:
> On 11/24/2010 07:09 PM, Matthew Brett wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 9:30 AM, Dag Sverre Seljebotn
>> <dagss at student.matnat.uio.no>   wrote:
>>> For the time being, for something like this I'd definitely go with a
>>> template language to generate Cython code if you are not already. Myself
>>> (for SciPy on .NET/fwrap refactor) I'm using Tempita with a pyx.in
>>> extension and it works pretty well. Using Bento one can probably chain
>>> Tempita so that this gets built automatically (but I haven't tried that
>>> yet).
>> Thanks for the update - it's excellent news that you are working on
>> this.  If you ever have spare time, would you consider writing up your
>> experiences in a blog post or similar?  I'm sure it would be very
>> useful for the rest of us who have idly thought we'd like to do this,
>> and then started waiting for someone with more expertise to do it...
> I don't have a blog, and it'd take too much time to create one, but
> here's something less polished:
> What I'm really doing is to modify fwrap so that it detects functions
> with the same functionality (but different types) in the LAPACK wrapper
> in scipy.linalg, and emits a Cython template for that family of
> functions. But I'll try to step into your shoes here.
> There's A LOT of template engines out there. I chose Tempita, which has
> the advantages of a) being recommended by Robert Kern, b) pure Python,
> no compiled code, c) very small and simple so that it can potentially be
> bundled with other projects in the build system without a problem.
> Then, simply write templated code like the following. It becomes less
> clear to read, but a lot easier to fix bugs etc. when they must only be
> fixed in one spot.

I guess templates is a misnomer in this case, as no variables is fed in 
from the outside, it is all self-contained. Another option would be to 
drop instantiate the template several times from the build system with 
different arguments. I like self-contained "templates" with for-loops 
better, although some times one may not have a choice, but would have to 
adjust values depending on what the build system detects is available on 
the target machine.

In any case, if one drops the initial assignments (or use the "default" 
directive), one would leave it to the build system to supply those lists 
and values.

Dag Sverre

> {{py:
> dtype_values = ['np.float32', 'np.float64', 'np.complex64', 'np.complex128']
> dtype_t_values = ['%s_t' % x for x in dtype_values]
> funcletter_values = ['f', 'd', 'c', 'z']
> NDIM_MAX = 5
> }}
> ...
> {{for ndim in range(5}}
> {{for dtype, dtype_t, funcletter in zip(dtype_values, dtype_t_values,
> funcletter_values)}}
> def {{prefix}}sum_{{ndim}}{{funcletter}}(np.ndarray[{{dtype_t}},
> ndim={{ndim}}] x,
> np.ndarray[{{dtype_t}}, ndim={{ndim}}] y,
> np.ndarray[{{dtype_t}}, ndim={{ndim}}] out=None):
>         ... and so on...inside here everything looks about the same as
> normal...
> {{endfor}}
> {{endfor}}
> For integrating this into a build, David C.'s Bento is probably the best
> way once a bug is fixed (see recent "Cython distutils" thread on
> cython-dev where this is specifically discussed, and David points to
> examples in the Bento distribution). For my work on fwrap I use the
> "waf" build tool, where it is a simple matter of:
> def run_tempita(task):
>       import tempita
>       assert len(task.inputs) == len(task.outputs) == 1
>       tmpl = task.inputs[0].read()
>       result = tempita.sub(tmpl)
>       task.outputs[0].write(result)
> ...
> bld(
>           name = 'tempita',
>           rule = run_tempita,
>           source = ['foo.pyx.in'],
>           target = ['foo.pyx']
>           )
> ...
> Although I'm sure a more automatic rule for .pyx.in ->  .pyx is possible
> as well (I don't really know waf, it's just what the fwrap test
> framework uses).
> Dag Sverre
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