[SciPy-User] finding frequency of wav

Linda linda.polman at gmail.com
Fri May 28 08:41:11 EDT 2010

Hello David,
I decided that fft would not work on finding those bits, so I spent all day
looking into your suggestions.

I think my data signals are FSK (FM?) instead of PSK, there are no
discontinuieties in the signals when I take a look at them in audacity.

I'm not sure I completely understand the multiply with a complex exponential
part. Should I multiply my data-array with exp( 1j * omega * T )? where
omega would be 2 * pi * f_carrier (1700)  and  T would be 1/Fs? or the
bitlength in samples?

This task seems to be quite a bit more difficult than I initially thought
(undergrad student)

I would really appreciate some more help :-)


On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 23:12, David Baddeley
<david_baddeley at yahoo.com.au>wrote:

> Hi Linda,
> I probably wouldn't divide the signal up into chunks before procesing, and
> also suspect that the FFT might be the wrong tool for the job (I'd certainly
> take the fft of the whole signal just to check that you have the right
> frequencies in it though).
> The problem with dividing into chunks and processing each separately is
> that you don't necessarily know where each bit start and stops - your chunks
> are thus, more likely than not, going to be misaligned.
> I'd probably tackle the problem with a strategy directly analogous to that
> used in analogue circuitry for decoding PSK - I'd either mix the carrier out
> & do I-Q detection (multiply with a complex exponential and then look at the
> low pass filtered real & imaginary parts of the result), or just look for
> the two frequency components separately by multiplying with a complex
> exponential at each frequency & low pass filtering the amplitude (I'd
> probably use a boxcar filter the same length as your symbols/frames).
> After doing this you can then start to decide where your frame boundaries
> are. If you've filtered as described, you should just be able to start at
> some offset and then take every 18th value.
> hope this gives you some ideas,
> David
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Linda <linda.polman at gmail.com>
> *To:* SciPy Users List <scipy-user at scipy.org>
> *Sent:* Fri, 28 May, 2010 2:42:05 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [SciPy-User] finding frequency of wav
> Thanks for your reply. The explanation on fftfreq already made a few puzzle
> pieces fall into place.
> The signal I am trying to decode is a DSC transmission that is recorded in
> a wav file. (Digital Selective Calling, used in marine radio)
> It is a phase modulated digital signal: '1' is 2100Hz, '0' is 1300 Hz and
> there's a carrier at 1700Hz. That should be all frequencies involved (apart
> from noise). Currently I am used generated, clean signals. But probably I
> should get a clean '10101010'-signal first to try my work on.
> Since the bitrate is set at 1200bits/sec, the bit length would be
> samplerate/1200 = 18.4 samples at 22050.
> I can double the samplerate to 44100, but that still leaves me at only 36.8
> samples per chunk.
> If I understand what you say correctly, I would need at least 55 (64)
> samples in each chunk?
> I'm not sure what chunk[3] would have been, I should have used a
> dotting-signal instead of an unknown message to try this on. I will try this
> again with more useful data this afternoon.
> cheers,
> Linda
> On Thu, May 27, 2010 at 15:28, Fabrice Silva <silva at lma.cnrs-mrs.fr>wrote:
>> Le jeudi 27 mai 2010 à 10:09 +0200, Linda a écrit :
>> > Hello all,
>> > I have a digital signal where the bits in it are encoded with
>> > frequencies 1300 and 2100 Hz. The message is sent as a wav-file with a
>> > samplerate of 22050.
>> > My goal is to find the bits again so I can decode the message in it,
>> > for that I have chopped the wav up in pieces of 18 samples, which
>> > would be the bitlength (at 1200 Bit/s > 22050/1200=18.375). So I have
>> > a list of chunks of length 18. I thought I could just fft each chunks
>> > and find the max of the chunk-spectrum, to find out the bitfrequency
>> > in the chunk (and thus the bitvalue)
>> Correct me if I am wrong. You are cutting your signal into chunks that
>> you expect to contain at least one period of the lower coding frequency.
>> You then perform a fft on a very small signal (18 samples) which gives
>> you (without zero padding) an estimation of the Fourier transform of
>> your chunk computed on only 18 frequencies, i.e. with a really bad
>> frequential resolution. It is possible if your coding frequencies are
>> not too close. A raw Rayleight criteria leads to cut your signal into at
>> least N=2*Fe/df_min where df_min is the minimal spacing between two
>> coding frequencies df_min=2100-1300 here thus N=55 (so 64 to have a
>> power of 2).
>> >
>> > But somehow I am stuck in the numbers, I was hopeing you could give me
>> > a hint. here is what I have:
>> > chunks[3] #this is one of the wavchunks, there should be a bit hidden in
>> here
>> > Out[98]:
>> >   array([ 2, -1,  1, -2,  2, -2,  2, -1,  0,  0,  0,  1, -2,  2, -1,  0,
>>  0,  0], dtype=int16)
>> > test = fft(chunks[3]) # spectrum of the chunk, the peak should give me
>> the value of the bitfrequency 1300 of 2100 Hz?
>> > test
>> > Out[100]:
>> > array([ 1.00000000 +0.00000000e+00j,  1.00000000 +2.37564698e-01j,
>> >         1.46791111 +4.90375770e-01j,  2.50000000 +8.66025404e-01j,
>> >         2.65270364 -7.37891832e-01j,  1.00000000 +3.01762603e+00j,
>> >        -0.50000000 -2.59807621e+00j,  1.00000000 -2.41609109e+00j,
>> >         4.87938524 +1.43601897e+01j,  7.00000000 -6.88706904e-15j,
>> >         4.87938524 -1.43601897e+01j,  1.00000000 +2.41609109e+00j,
>> >        -0.50000000 +2.59807621e+00j,  1.00000000 -3.01762603e+00j,
>> >         2.65270364 +7.37891832e-01j,  2.50000000 -8.66025404e-01j,
>> >         1.46791111 -4.90375770e-01j,  1.00000000 -2.37564698e-01j])
>> >
>> >
>> > I am unsure how to proceed from here, so I would really appreciate any
>> > tips.. I found fftfreq, but I am not sure how to use it? I read
>> > fftfreq? but I don't see how the example even uses the 'fourier'
>> > variable in the fftfreq there?
>> >
>> Fftfreq is a function that constructs the frequency vector associated to
>> the data computed by the fft algorithm. It is aware of how fft orders
>> the frequency bins, and transform it in a more convenient way (it
>> 'anti-aliases', centering the results on zero frequency).
>> import numpy as np
>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>> chunks[3]=....
>> test = np.fft.fft(chunks[3])
>> frequencies = np.fft.fftfreq(len(test), d=1./22050.) # d is the sampling
>> period
>> plt.plot(frequencies, np.abs(test), 'o')
>> plt.show()
>> but you won't see any things on this fft. I am suspicious due to the
>> fact that the signal to noise ratio seems rather low leading to strong
>> peak at Fe/2
>> In chunk[3], what do you expect to be the bit?
>> Fabricio
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