[SciPy-User] FreeImage <-> numpy IO wrappers

Sebastian Haase seb.haase at gmail.com
Tue May 18 03:20:40 EDT 2010

Just thought of another question:

So FreeImage doesn't even depend on libjpeg !?
I'm asking because I remember problems with installing (building!?)
PIL on OS-X where jpg wasn't working because of some problem related
to libjpeg ...
I don't remember the exact circumstances - but if FreeImage didn't
have that dependency it would be another thing _less_ to worry about.


On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 10:50 PM, Luis Pedro Coelho <lpc at cmu.edu> wrote:
> On Wednesday, Sebastian Haase wrote:
>> this sounds exciting and I might find some time to try it out ...
>> BTW, the Python image-sig  should not be a "PIL only" mailing list. So
>> (eventually) I feel, this issue could be brought up there, too.
> I have created a mailing list for python computer vision topics (things that
> are images but not PIL related):
> http://groups.google.com/group/pythonvision?pli=1
> It is currently very low traffic since it just started (this is my first
> public announcement).
> *
> Btw, for the same sort of issues (opening 16-bit TIFFs in particular), I once
> wrote a wrapper around imagemagick's C++ image opening functions:
> http://github.com/luispedro/readmagick
> I works nicely on linux, but some people were trying to use it on Mac or
> Windows and got really stuck b/c they didn't know how to compile it and I
> couldn't help them, so I gave up on trying to make this more widely used.
> --
> Luis Pedro Coelho | Carnegie Mellon University | http://luispedro.org
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