[SciPy-User] python for physics

Jeremy Conlin jlconlin at gmail.com
Mon May 17 15:20:53 EDT 2010


Thanks for posting these links, they look like a really good
introduction which I can use to help my coworkers.  (I'm not even the
original poster.)

One question though is how you got the output from iPython into your
document.  Of course you could just copy and paste it in, but for some
reason I believe you have this process automated.  Is it automated and
are you willing to share how you did it?


> This is not really physics-related, and is more oriented towards image
> analysis than Physics, and on top of that it is unfinished, and I have
> been shying from publishing on the net, but the notes of the courses I
> give can be found here:
> http://gael-varoquaux.info/python4science-2x1.pdf
> Also, see Fernando's py4science page, full of useful material:
> http://fperez.org/py4science/starter_kit.html
> Gaël
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