[SciPy-User] Distributing SciPy and NumPy

Ram Rachum cool-rr at cool-rr.com
Mon May 10 09:18:22 EDT 2010

Dag Sverre Seljebotn <dagss <at> student.matnat.uio.no> writes:

> cool-RR wrote:
> > Are there any licensing issues I should be aware of? Is there any LGPL 
> > or GPL licensing in there?
> You need a LAPACK implementation to use SciPy, and those come with 
> various licenses. But SciPy+ATLAS is a common combination which is all BSD.
> SciPy developers are pretty conscious about keeping GPL or LGPL code out 
> of the main SciPy library (though some scikits libraries are under GPL).
> Dag Sverre

Hey Dag,

I've installed numpy and scipy using the standard installers from the website. 
(Not EPD or Python(x,y)). Is this installation free of any GPL/LGPL?

Should I worry about those scikits libraries? Are they in numpy/scipy?


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