[SciPy-User] [ANN] PythonToolkit (PTK) - open source, wxPython interactive environment

Rob Clewley rob.clewley at gmail.com
Sat May 1 11:36:05 EDT 2010

Hi Tom,

On Fri, Apr 30, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Charrett, Thomas
<t.charrett at cranfield.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I would like to announce a interactive environment for python, PythonToolkit, or PTK, is loosely based on the MATLAB gui interface and is written in wxpython.:
> http://pythontoolkit.sourceforge.net

This looks like something I might want to teach with too. I hope to be
able to try this out soon as I try to teach with python in my classes.
I would benefit from an easy to learn and use graphical interactive
environment for my students (some of whom will already be familiar
with matlab).

I look forward to seeing some tutorial examples to show off how it
might be used in a teaching session. But most pressingly you need to
provide information on your web page about what steps need to be taken
to "install" it and what version restrictions there are. I cannot see
any information in the download zip file either. I have wxPython
installed and I'm on a Mac OS X 10.4 with Python 2.4. It looks like
there is no setup.py and so maybe PTK.pyw is supposed to be just run
as-is, but I don't know whether the ptk directory is supposed to be
dumped into site-packages or be standalone, and whether path
environment changes etc. are needed. Running PTK.pyw doesn't work for

 File "/Users/rob/ptk/app/__init__.py", line 18, in ?
    startdir = __main__.__file__.rpartition(os.sep)[0]
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'rpartition'

I think rpartition is only in Python 2.5+ ?


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