[SciPy-User] How to estimate error in polynomial coefficients from scipy.polyfit?

alan at ajackson.org alan at ajackson.org
Sun Mar 28 14:36:53 EDT 2010

Crack permeability goes like the third power of the opening (that is,
fluid flow through cracks - think gas or oil in a fractured rock). 

And for many problems, the Taylor expansion might appropriately be taken out to
third order. Sometimes the even orders cancel out so to get the first
non-linear effects you have to go to third order. Can't think of a specific
offhand, but I've seen it quite a few times.

>I'm no expert, but the power required to overcome aerodynamic drag varies with the cube of speed -- though the physics behind that is pretty well understood.
>I guess if you were doing a bulk estimate of all of the other factors (fluid density & viscosity, drag coeff, etc) this would be an applicable use case.
>Like I said, I'm hardly an expert...
>-paul h.
># -------------------------
>From: scipy-user-bounces at scipy.org [mailto:scipy-user-bounces at scipy.org] On Behalf Of David Goldsmith
>Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2010 8:41 PM
>To: SciPy Users List
>Subject: Re: [SciPy-User] How to estimate error in polynomial coefficients from scipy.polyfit?
>On this note, perhaps some of our experts might care to comment: what "physics" (in a generalized sense) gives rise to a polynomial dependency of degree higher than two?  The only generic thing I can think of is something where third or higher order derivatives proportional to the independent variable are important, and those are pretty uncommon.
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