[SciPy-User] How to install scipy for opensuse 10.3?

Lam Waiman gunbuster363 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 05:31:27 EDT 2010

Dear all,
              I want to install scipy for python usage. I see the
installation isreally complex, can someone give on some advice on it?

My system, opensuse 10.3 (i586)
I am using python 2.6.4

when I see the doc, it said it require LAPACK to be installed,
then I download lapack and see inside, it also require lots of things
including fortran compiler
and I don't know whether the gcc42-fortran compiler in my comp is ok.
I try to dl the g77 compiler, which someone said I will need it for LAPACK
then it g77 only works with a gcc compiler of version 2.8, but I am using a
gcc compiler of version 4.2.


Looking forwards to your reply, thanks.

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