[SciPy-User] Maximum file size for .npz format?

Francesc Alted faltet at pytables.org
Mon Mar 15 16:04:20 EDT 2010

A Monday 15 March 2010 19:56:32 Andrew Collette escrigué:
> > I wouldn't say that HDF5 it is very difficult to build/install.  In fact,
> > it is a matter of "./configure; make install" --and that only if there is
> > not a binary package available for your SO, which is usually the case.
> >  It is just that it is another dependency to add to numpy/scipy ...and a
> > *big* one.
> Except on Windows, of course, where you need to have Visual Studio and
> a lot of patience. :)

Yeah, Windows, but this is a platform where everybody expects to have a 
binary ...and fortunately HDF5 is not an exception there. :)

> Even on UNIX one of the major support issues
> I've had with h5py is that everyone has a slightly different version
> of HDF5, built in a slightly different way.

Well, I cannot say the same with PyTables, but that could be somewhat 
expected, as you try to support much more HDF5 low level features than I do.

Francesc Alted

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