[SciPy-User] Maximum file size for .npz format?

Paul Anton Letnes paul.anton.letnes at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 20:47:01 EST 2010

On 12. mars 2010, at 16.35, Ryan May wrote:

>> I've experienced similar issues too, but I moved to NetCDF. The only disadvantage was that I did not find
>> any python modules that work well _and_ support numpy. Hence, I am considering moving to HDF5.
>> Which python module would people here recommend? (Or, alternatively, did I miss a great netCDF
>> python module that someone could tell me about?)
> You could try pupynere, which is pure python, only a single file
> (netcdf 3 only).
> http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pupynere/
> Ryan

pupynere is read-only, which of course is a show-stopper.

Everyone else, thanks for good advice. I still can't get netcdf4-python to work with my netcdf4 library though, which it won't detect, for some mysterious reason... Anyway, h5py seems like a nice module - thanks Keith! I think I might go that route instead.


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