[SciPy-User] Using Pyinstaller or cx_freeze with scipy

Craig craig.howard at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 4 16:17:34 EST 2010


I was attempting to use cx_freeze to create a stand-alone application
that uses scipy, but ran into a problem. When I attempt to run the
frozen application, I get the error:
Cannot import name factorial

I looked at the scipy package and the factorial function is in
scipy.misc.common.py but the file scipy.interpolate.polyint.py has the
from scipy import factorial

So the polyint script is looking for the factorial function in some
other place than its actual physical location. I guess scipy somehow
inserts the factorial function in the correct namespace so that it
runs correctly. Is there a way to get scipy and cx_freeze to get
along? Thanks for your help in advance.

Craig Howard

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