[SciPy-User] Matlab trademark - was: Re: SciPy-User Digest, Vol 82, Issue 49

Matthew Brett matthew.brett at gmail.com
Mon Jun 28 16:40:34 EDT 2010


> I propose moving the scipy/io/matlab directory to scipy/io/matfile and have
> the __init__.py file for scipy.io to import scipy.io.matfile as matlab.  I
> don't know if that works for all of the ways one would call that module.
> Also, is there any sort of way to make a deprecation warning fire for
> importing scipy.io.matlab, but not for scipy.io.matfile?  I never had to do
> any sort of fancy module setup, so I am not sure what is best.

Sorry to be slow to reply - I was offline for a few days.   Only to
say that - from playing with a toy package - I think that won't work
for people who have done things like

import scipy.io.matlab


from scipy.io.matlab import loadmat

and I'm not sure what would, apart from a symbolic link - but then I
don't know how you'd raise the deprecation warning.

I still don't know how important the renaming would be - although I
take your point about there only being matfile reading in the package.
  Lacking further votes from the ether, maybe we should defer action
until we're in clearer agreement about how urgent all this is.

See you,


See you,


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