[SciPy-User] Masking multiple fields in a structured timeseriesobject.

Dharhas Pothina Dharhas.Pothina at twdb.state.tx.us
Tue Jan 12 13:39:13 EST 2010

Sorry I'm still having trouble figuring out how to do multiple masking on a limited date range rather than the entire series. For a simpler example, look at the below ts construct:

>>>series=ts.time_series([("ABBC",1.1,10.),("ABD",2.2,20.),("ABBE",3.3,30),("ABBF",4.4,40),("ABG",5.5,50),("ABH",6.6,60)],dtype=ndtype, start_date=ts.now('D'))
>>>sdate = series.dates[1]
>>>edate = series.dates[4]

now I want to mask the v1 value between sdate and edate that contain 'BB' in the name and v1<4 and v2>10. ie the 3rd element ("ABBE",3.3,30) would become ("ABBE",--,30)


- dharhas

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