[SciPy-User] Efficiently applying a function over a large array

David Warde-Farley dwf at cs.toronto.edu
Tue Feb 9 11:42:17 EST 2010

On 9-Feb-10, at 11:12 AM, Jose Gomez-Dans wrote:

> for i in ny:
>   for j in nx:
>      Out[i,j] = MyFunc ( arr1[i,j,:], arr2[i,j,:], arr3[i,j,:] )
> but the array size is quite large (>1000x1000 elements), so I would  
> like to know what the most efficient way of doing this would be.

You'll have to provide more details about what MyFunc is doing, as how  
efficient you can make it will depend critically on this.


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