[SciPy-User] how to fit a given pdf

Renato Fabbri renato.fabbri at gmail.com
Wed Aug 11 11:00:22 EDT 2010

Dear All,

help appreciated, thanks in advance.

how do you fit a pdf you have with a given pdf (say gamma).

with the file attached, you can go like:

data=[int(i) for i in aaa]

if you do pylab.plot(data); pylab.show()

The data is something like:

It is my pdf (probability density function).

how can i find the right parameters to make that fit with a gamma?

if i was looking for a normal pdf, for example, i would just find mean
and std and ask for the pdf.

i've been playing with scipy.stats.distributions.gamma but i have not
reached anything.

we can extend the discussion further, but this is a good starting point.

any idea?

best of luck,

GNU/Linux User #479299
skype: fabbri.renato
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