[SciPy-User] [ANN] la 0.2, the labeled array

Sebastian Haase seb.haase at gmail.com
Thu Apr 29 03:37:45 EDT 2010

Hi Keith,

how would you say do larrys compare to numpy recarrays ? Can you
convert one to the other ? - IOW why do put the labels in a separate
list instead of the dtype ?

Sebastian Haase

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 11:05 PM, Keith Goodman <kwgoodman at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am pleased to announce the second release of the la package, version 0.2.
> The main class of the la package is a labeled array, larry. A larry
> consists of a data array and a label list. The data array is stored as
> a NumPy array and the label list as a list of lists.
> larry has built-in methods such as movingsum, ranking, merge, shuffle,
> zscore, demean, lag as well as typical Numpy methods like sum, max,
> std, sign, clip. NaNs are treated as missing data.
> Alignment by label is automatic when you add (or subtract, multiply,
> divide) two larrys.
> larry adds the convenience of labels, provides many built-in methods,
> and let's you use many of your existing array functions.
> Download: https://launchpad.net/larry/+download
> docs  http://larry.sourceforge.net
> code  https://launchpad.net/larry
> list  http://groups.google.ca/group/pystatsmodels
> =============
> Release Notes
> =============
> la 0.2 (avocado)
> ================
> *Release date: 2010-04-27*
> New larry methods
> -----------------
> - lix : Index into a larry using labels or index numbers or both
> - swapaxes : Swap the two specified axes
> - sortaxis : Sort data (and label) according to label along specified axis
> - flipaxis : Reverse the order of the elements along the specified axis
> - tocsv : Save larry to a csv file
> - fromcsv : Load a larry from a csv file
> - insertaxis : Insert a new axis at the specified position
> - invert : Element by element inverting of True to False and False to True
> Enhancements
> ------------
> - All larry methods can now take nd input arrays (some previously 2d only)
> - Added ability to save larrys with datetime.date labels to HDF5
> - New function (panel) to convert larry of shape (n, m, k) to shape (m*k, n)
> - Expanded documentation
> - Over 280 new unit tests; testing easier with new assert_larry_equal function
> Bug fixes
> ---------
> - #517912: larry([]) == larry([]) raised IndexError
> - #518096: larry.fromdict failed due to missing import
> - #518106: la.larry.fromdict({}) failed
> - #518114: fromlist([]) and fromtuples([]) failed
> - #518135: keep_label crashed when there was nothing to keep
> - #518210: sum, std, var returned NaN for empty larrys; now return 0.0
> - #518215: unflatten crashed on an empty larry
> - #518442: sum, std, var returned NaN for shapes that contain zero: (2, 0, 3)
> - #568175: larry.std(axis=-1) and var crashed on negative axis input
> - #569622: Negative axis input gave wrong output for several larry methods
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