[SciPy-User] How to create multi-page tiff files with python tools?

Sebastian Haase seb.haase at gmail.com
Wed Sep 30 03:29:27 EDT 2009

On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 8:24 PM, Ralf Gommers
<ralf.gommers at googlemail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Sebastian Haase <seb.haase at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a working solution for this based on PIL.
>> You can either refer to the PIL archive and look for my submitted patch
>> and/or
>> download my Priithon package (a python "all inclusive" package geared
>> to image analysis) that includes the patched PIL (1.1.6) and look in
>> useful.py for
>> saveImg() ( saves 3D and 4D arrays into) multipage tif
>> or
>> saveImg_8()
>> or
>> saveTiffMultipage
>> or
>> saveTiffMultipageFromSeq
> Hi Sebastian, this is very useful functionality for me as well.
> The question I have is if your patched PIL includes fixes for 16-bit images.
> Right now I'm using a patched PIL kindly provided to me by Zachary Pincus
> that fixes 16-bit issues. I saw that some improvements for 16-bit were
> included in PIL trunk but not his patches. Your patch is included it seems,
> so I could also run PIL trunk if someone can confirm that 16-bit TIF images
> work. I'd prefer Priithon though because then I could stop asking my users
> to compile PIL themselves...
> Thanks,
> Ralf
I'm working with EMCCD microscopy images where 16-bit-int data is very
important. I think the patches in Priithon and Zach's should be
identical or at least equivalent. I think the upcoming 1.1.7 PIL will
also include all of these patches.
There was a discussion about "forking" out the basic image I/O from
PIL, but generally people are against the idea of "working against"
the main PIL. The upcoming 1.1.7 also seems to alleviate many concerns
for the time beeing.

Priithon is of course more than just a patched PIL. It includes among
others: numpy, scipy, wxPython, pyOpenGL , numexpr, matplotlib and
SWIG. Also there are useful functions that I collected over the years,
such as an OpenGL based 2d viewer which includes sliders to scroll
through higher dimensional nd-data (both  single channel (grey) and
multi-channel (color overlay) are supported).
For more questions, there is a mailing list and a (somewhat oldish) handbook...
Thanks for asking,
Sebastian Haase

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