[SciPy-User] [SciPy-user] 2D Autocorrelation

magnus_p magnusp at astro.su.se
Tue Sep 22 09:25:03 EDT 2009

I am trying to do a Autocorrelation summation of a bunch of images.
i.e iF( F(x)^2 ) is added for all images (F=fourier transform, iF =inverse

The images contain 1 or 2 point-sources (i.e binary system), and shape

what I tried first was:

def addAutocorr(self, cube):
    a = zeros((self.CUBESIZE,self.CUBESIZE))
    for frame in cube:
        a += ifft2(fft2(frame)*fft2(frame))
    return a

But it doesn't seems like it is correct, the source is not centered in the
middle in all frames and, not in the final frame.
Do I have to shift all the frames before adding them together?

Then I tried the scipy.ndimage.convolve / scipy.signal.fftconvolve with no

Anyone that have some advice?
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