[SciPy-User] Bresenham algorithm?

Xavier Gnata xavier.gnata at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 21:08:45 EDT 2009

David Warde-Farley wrote:
> On 21-Sep-09, at 2:42 AM, Sebastian Haase wrote:
>> If you comment out the list/tuples handling - assuming you want to
>> plug in numpy arrays here, you have to know the number of points up
>> front.
>> (To be able to pre-allocate the array correctly)
>> Is this easy ?  (rounding errors ?)
> Yes, notice that the loop termination condition. You'd simply need to  
> allocate two arrays, each 'dx' long. But in his case, he'd be better  
> off taking the image array as an argument and accessing each pixel as  
> he goes in order to sum them. Assuming the image is reasonably scaled  
> and he uses an appropriate precision accumulator, that seems like the  
> best way to approach the problem rather than allocating space for  
> indices only to use them once (a more general purpose implementation,  
> of course, would have to accumulate/return indices).
> David
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Your answers are perfect because they also provide me with a nice cython 


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