[SciPy-User] Fitting a system of ODEs to data

C. Campbell lujitsu at hotmail.com
Thu Sep 10 10:19:35 EDT 2009

Hi everyone,

I have a system of coupled multivariate ODEs which I would like to fit to experimental data. If I am reading the SciPy documentation correctly, there exist built in functions to handle systems of multivariate nonlinear functions (Broyden's and Anderson's methods), but not systems of ODEs. After reading up on some general methods, it looks like it would be a real bear to write an implementation myself.

I posed this issue to an expert Python programmer with whom I am acquainted, and he suggested using Mathematica to address my problem. I have essentially no experience with Mathematica, though, so before biting that particular bullet I thought I'd check with the larger community to see if there is Python/SciPy solution.

Thanks very much for any suggestions!

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