[SciPy-User] scikity.timeseries: Report options question

Matt Knox mattknox.ca at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 10:46:04 EDT 2009

Tim Michelsen <timmichelsen <at> gmx-topmail.de> writes:

> Hello,
> I noticed that if header_row is specified, 
> a header_char='-' is added automatically.
> I had to add header_char='' to subpress it.
> Is this wanted?
> According to 
> http://pytseries.sourceforge.net/lib.report.html
> #scikits.timeseries.lib.reportlib.Report
> This should be optional.
> Kind regards,
> Timmie

Yes, this is intended. The documentation for that parameter is:

header_char : {“-“, str}, optional

    Character to be used for the row separator line between the header and
    first row of data. Specify None for no separator. This is ignored if
    header_row is not specified.

and the documentation convention is that the first value listed is the default
value when it is an optional parameter. So not specifying anything is equivalent
to specifying header_char="-"

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