[SciPy-User] Gaussian Filter

J-Pascal Mercier jean-pascal.mercier at inrialpes.fr
Fri Sep 4 11:14:36 EDT 2009

On Friday 04 September 2009 04:53:21 pm Matthieu Brucher wrote:
> I don't have OpenCV here, so I can't say for sure but, what is the
> relative amplitude of the difference? OpenCV works on floats or
> doubles? It may be due to a type difference or a small difference in
> the algorithms.
> Matthieu

This is pure speculation but since scipy uses the sigma parameter, the filter is probably created by direct sampling of the Gaussian function.  

On the other side, OpenCV uses the size(in pixels) of the filter. This is a good indication they probably uses the pascal triangle as an approximation for the Gaussian kernel 

The difference should not be very high anyway, they are both good approximation of the continuous gaussian kernel.



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