[SciPy-User] table2.fits anybody?

Perry Greenfield perry at stsci.edu
Thu Oct 29 14:41:10 EDT 2009

On Oct 29, 2009, at 2:20 PM, Michael Aye wrote:

> Have received it! Many thanks!
> Actually, while you are at it:
> The text of the tutorial is a bit funny at the point when dealing with
> 'table2.fits', it sounds actually a bit like a hidden joke, which is
> why I almost was not expecting to find a table2.fits.
> Here is the text of page 27 of pydatatut.pdf:
>>>> print tab2
> [('M51', 13.5, 2) ('NGC4151', 5.8, 5) ('Crab Nebula', 11.12, 3)]
>>>> col3 = tab2.field('nobs')
> But the key 'nobs' does not exist in table2.fits!
> Honi soit qui mal y pense... ;)
> Best regards,
> Michael

Hmmm, that's odd. I see it. What do you see if you type:

 >>> tab2._coldefs

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