[SciPy-User] Mean arrivals per time unit -> Time between consecutive arrivals

nicky van foreest vanforeest at gmail.com
Wed Nov 25 10:54:28 EST 2009

Hi Ram,

YOu should take the interarrival time between two consecutive arrivals
to be exponentially distributed with rate lambda, where lambda is the
arrival rate. LIke this the number of arrivals in a fixed period is
Poisson distributed. I never tried, but I suppose scipy contains a
module to generate exponentially distributed rv's.


2009/11/25 Ram Rachum <cool-rr at cool-rr.com>:
> Hello,
> I've just started using scipy/numpy for some queue theory. I have a queue for
> which the arrival rate is a Poisson distribution. I also have the mean number of
> arrivals per time unit.
> I looked around SciPy and I saw I can use scipy.stats.poisson. I was happy that
> it could make a random variable for number of arrivals per time unit. But I want
> the time between consecutive arrivals, as a random variable.
> Does anyone know how I can get that?
> Thanks,
> Ram.
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