[SciPy-User] ANN: scikits.image v0.2

Stéfan van der Walt stefan at sun.ac.za
Thu Nov 12 09:08:38 EST 2009

I'm glad to announce the second release of `scikits.image`, a
collection of image processing routines for SciPy.

On top of bug-fixes and improved documentation, the following
changes/additions were made:

- A new IO plugin infrastructure so that commands like 'imshow' are
available via multiple backends (PIL, matplotlib, QT4, etc.)
- ImageCollections (for cached loading of multiple images) and
MultiImage (for working with multi-layered images)
- More complete OpenCV wrappers
- A graphical image viewer (also installed as a script `scivi`), that
allows colour adjustments
- Shortest path algorithm

For version 0.3, we aim to

- Incorporate some of the code offered by the Broad institute
- Implement acquisition (grabbing images from cameras) and intrinsic
camera calibration
- Add real time video and camera display with processing
- Improve filtering code
- Add morphological operations

More information is available at: http://stefanv.github.com/scikits.image/


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