[SciPy-user] data analysis, chemomentrics, python and open software

giorgio.luciano at inwind.it giorgio.luciano at inwind.it
Tue Mar 10 10:39:29 EDT 2009

Dear All
We’ve decided to start a project for developing a small, fast, efficient and easy software for univariate and multivariate software analysis applied to chemical data
IDEA : The idea almost came since while teaching in short courses or to “lab” people, it seems that the 
approach of a “compact software” is more fruitful. Instead of “wasting” time on teaching how to slice matrix,  adding path, etc. (which are very easy one but for anyone that has been teaching matlab/octave/r know what I am talking about) people can just copy and paste (from excel), set parameters or conveniently leave as default and then run the analysis. Eventually mark “outlier” and rerun the analysis.
HOW : So for not reinventing the wheel what do we choose ? We decided to develop the software using Python and Qt. The choice seemed the most suitable since python can behave like a glue importing already existent and tested R and Octave routines and also can rely on solid and stable  libraries like scipy and numeric. Qt also is a mature library that can rely on very good RAD and a big community of developers (Nokia bought Qt, just to give an idea) In this way we should be able to rapidly write GUI for every platform.
Everything will be kept open to ensure also quick response to bug, issues and feedback for everyone that will like to contribute. We would like also to kept the architecture open in order to eventually port the software to custom hardware and to keep the possibility to tailor the software on user’s need

We have a repository on google CODE and also the domain www.chemometrics.it will became the “house” of the sofware
For now we are three main developer but we need all the help possible especially for the GUI part (bridge between QT and python)and people interested in increasing the python "libraries" for chemometrics routines
So we search for other developer to join us and also tester.  Of course sponsors are welcome ;)

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