[SciPy-user] Cycling the arrays

Warren Weckesser warren.weckesser at gmail.com
Fri Mar 6 12:16:01 EST 2009


The 'flat' attribute will give you an iterator over the elements of the

For example,
In [1]: from numpy.random import rand

In [2]: a = rand(2,3,4)

In [3]: a

array([[[ 0.14858246,  0.75368248,  0.40294597,  0.42646085],
        [ 0.88369801,  0.00360736,  0.58419198,  0.13083728],
        [ 0.61364837,  0.43983396,  0.90157461,  0.21592489]],

       [[ 0.41765192,  0.08989583,  0.15821354,  0.53446492],
        [ 0.96593351,  0.21903464,  0.16993252,  0.74305159],
        [ 0.41083145,  0.40778255,  0.41558961,  0.59216869]]])

In [4]: for x in a.flat:
   ...:     print x, x**2
0.148582455636 0.0220767461228
0.75368248355 0.56803728601
0.402945971634 0.162365456056
0.426460853634 0.181868859683
0.883698012759 0.780922177755
0.00360735939407 1.3013041798e-05
0.584191982439 0.341280272346
0.130837280824 0.0171183940535
0.613648370127 0.376564322159
0.439833959795 0.193453912189
0.901574608475 0.812836774646
0.215924889889 0.0466235580736
0.41765191591 0.174433122864
0.0898958274532 0.0080812597935
0.158213541673 0.0250315247686
0.53446492479 0.285652755831
0.965933507608 0.93302754112
0.21903464047 0.047976173726
0.169932518795 0.0288770609439
0.743051591064 0.552125666983
0.410831453714 0.168782483361
0.407782547576 0.166286606108
0.415589605938 0.172714720563
0.592168688173 0.350663755252

In [5]:

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009 at 11:03 AM, Marco <gaedol at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> just a quick question: what is the fastest way to cycle inside an N
> dimensional array?
> I just want to visit each and every element in the N dimensional
> array, then do things.
> I can do it with N 'for' cycles, obviously.
> Is there a more compact and maybe faster way to do it?
> Thanks in advance,
> marco
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