[SciPy-user] CDF/PDF Stats with SciPy

Ivo Maljevic ivo.maljevic at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 16:25:14 EDT 2009

Thanks Robert, I wasn't paying attention to that part of Omer's question.

2009/7/20 Robert Kern <robert.kern at gmail.com>

> On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 15:11, Omer Khalid<Omer.Khalid at cern.ch> wrote:
> > Hi Ivo,
> >
> > Thanks for your reply. But I am getting a little confused here now. It
> seems
> > there are multiple ways to get the CDF for a distribution. You mean
> linspace
> > function returns a CDF for a normal distribution.
> No, not at all. linspace() returns uniformly increasing numbers
> between the given endpoints. Ivo showed you how to find the empirical
> CDF of the dataset. It is not related to any particular family of
> probability distributions.
> > As far as I understood from other sources is that scipy.stats.norm.cdf
> > (mean, std) will return the CDF for the normal distribution or for
> > non-normal distribution given one replace *norm* with the distributions
> > name.
> Yes.
> > And what about scipy.stats.<dist>.fit function?
> It will find the maximum likelihood parameters for fitting the given
> distribution to your dataset. These parameters can be then used the
> the <dist> object to return the fitted CDF, PDF, etc. The .fit()
> method is not very flexible, though.
> --
> Robert Kern
> "I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless
> enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as
> though it had an underlying truth."
>  -- Umberto Eco
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