[SciPy-user] FFTW python bindings again

Jochen cycomanic at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 21:30:48 EST 2009

On Mon, 2009-01-26 at 21:08 -0500, Gary Pajer wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Jochen <cycomanic at gmail.com> wrote:
>         Hi all,
> [...] 
>         Cheers
>         Jochen
>         P.S.: I haven't received any comments on this, is this not of
>         interest
>         to the scipy community?
> I'm interested.  In fact I downloaded it.  I've only taken a very
> quick look, but perhaps you can answer a question:  is this OS
> agnostic, or is it Linux only?
> -gary

This should be OS agnostic, however I have not tested on any other
systems (don't have a windows/OSX machine to easily test on). The only
thing that could fail is loading the fftw shared library. 
I do a:
lib = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(util.find_library('fftw3'))
for this to be successful ctypes needs to find the fftw3 library. The
way I understand the ctypes documentation this should also work in
Windows or OSX and other unicies. I also assumed that fftw3 uses c-type
calling conventions on all platforms. 
I'm actually checking if ctypes can find the fftw3 libraries in setup.py
if not the install will fail. I would actually be grateful if you could
check. If you don't want to install anything you can just do a python
setup.py build, the setup will raise an exception if ctypes cannot find
fftw3. Providing the possibility for specifying the path to fftw3 is
actually on my TODO.

Thanks for the interest
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