[SciPy-user] SciPy and GUI

Matthieu Brucher matthieu.brucher at gmail.com
Mon Jan 26 09:40:11 EST 2009

> I've read your tutorial using traits and matplotlib and also a little
> bit of some of the Chaco examples. But I'm struggling to decide whether
> to go with traits + matplotlib or with chaco. I've also read some of the
> older mailing list discussions about chaco and matplotlib but those
> don't focus so much on GUI applications.

Chaco can easily be used with Traits. In fact Enthought develops both,
so it's in their best interest that everything is fine.

I didn't use Chaco in the past, so I don't have an opinion.

> On one hand, I am already using matplotlib and the timeseries toolkit
> extensively in scripts so I'm familiar with them and know that they can
> make pretty much any type of plot I need. Also matplotlib has a large
> community.
> On the other hand, chaco seems to have been designed for this type of
> interactive application and the plots I need for the GUI app are simpler
> and are supported by Chaco.
> Do you (or any others) have any comments about the pros and cons of
> each for someone new at this stuff.

Information System Engineer, Ph.D.
Website: http://matthieu-brucher.developpez.com/
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