[SciPy-user] remezord() ticket #475

Günter Dannoritzer dannoritzer at web.de
Fri Feb 20 08:10:01 EST 2009


I am trying to implement a FIR filter with SciPy and for the design
would first like to estimate the order I will need. I noticed that there
is no remezord() function like in Matlab, but it has been submitted as
patch with ticket #475. However, that function is not scheduled to be
included in any of the next releases.

The ticket history shows that it was scheduled for release 0.6, then
0.7, and now unspecified. Unfortunately the history does not show why
this has been delayed so much. Anyone knows why the function will not be
included soon?

For the time being I will just use the patch as an extra module, just
would be good to have that function finally in the standard package.

Thanks for the help.



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