[SciPy-User] Problem with scipy.special.chebyt

Pauli Virtanen pav at iki.fi
Sun Aug 30 13:55:30 EDT 2009

On 2009-08-30, Ivo Maljevic <ivo.maljevic at gmail.com> wrote:
> install with both installations. I don't know why nobody from 
> scipy wants to try a fresh install on a virtual machine maybe, 
> as I am sure you would be able to see the problem right away. I 
> agree that this is most likely not numpy/scipy problem, but it 
> would still be helpful for other users out there if somebody 
> actually tried this with a clean distro.

Sorry, but I don't have enough time to spend on this at the 
moment -- maybe later on. Tracking down this kind of 
platform-specific issues often means hours of gruelling work.

Feel free to file a bug ticket to Numpy's Trac so that this won't 
be forgotten. Also, I'd suggest letting the Mandriva/Opensuse 
people know there may be something wrong in their packages.

> In my previous email I specified that using the eig function 
> from scipy.linalg solves the problem, and using the eig from 
> numpy.dual brings it back.

I mistyped scipy.linalg where I meant numpy.linalg. As David 
said, numpy and scipy may possibly use different lower-level 
libraries, which explains the difference.

All this seems to point out that something is wrong on Mandriva 
and Opensuse with how Numpy links to the underlying lapack 

Pauli Virtanen

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