[SciPy-User] installing pynifti under EPD

Karl Young karl.young at ucsf.edu
Thu Aug 27 15:45:51 EDT 2009

Sorry if this issue is slightly tangential to the interests of this 
group but I couldn't think of any place else to ask (e.g. I don't think 
the pynifti guys have a list). I'd like to read some analyze image files 
(Mayo clinic medical image file format) into numpy arrays and process 
them. This works fine in linux but I'm currently trying to use 
Enthought's EPD distribution under OS X (Python 2.5.4 |EPD_Py25 4.3.0| 
(r254:67916, May 17 2009, 20:07:12)) and having no luck installing 
pynifti to read the analyze files.

I downloaded and tried to install pynifti (pynifti-0.20090303.1) using 
the standard distutils mechanism
 but when I import nifti I got errors saying some of the symbols in 
_clib.so couldn't be found. So I downloaded and installed 
nifticlib-1.1.0 but that didn't help, I tried to copy the various 
nifticlib libraries into obvious places to no avail and there isn't much 
in the way of documentation on this so I was wondering if anyone had the 
magic incantation for installing pynifti under EPD on OS X; sorry again 
if this is slightly off topic.

-- Karl Young

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