[SciPy-User] Usage of scipy.signal.resample

markus.proeller at ifm.com markus.proeller at ifm.com
Thu Aug 27 04:13:09 EDT 2009

Hello David and Ivo,

thank you very much for your detailed help. I do have a ramp like signal, 
that I want to compress. Thats why I wanted to use the resample function 
to generate same interim values. It is decompressed by linear 
interpolation, so I think the best approach is to generate the interim 
values by linear interpolation as well. The downsample ratio is not an 
integer value.
To be honest I just used the resample function because it was just a 
function call, were I could enter the amount of interim values. I didn't 
take care of aliasing and filtering.
I have another question to David, if I had an integer value for the 
downsampling rate, for instance the ramp function from 0 to 10 and take 
let's say every second sample, so I got 0,2,4,8,10, where do I have my 
aliasing here? Because I can reconstruct my original array by simple 
linear interpolation.

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