[SciPy-User] satellite imagery

questions anon questions.anon at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 13:04:34 EDT 2009

Thanks for responding. Some of the processing I would like to do include:
Import a hdf file, open calibrated data (VSWIR to TIR) and display image
using different band combinations.
>From the hdf open the pixel latitude and longitude and georeference the
Process the images to apparent reflectance, emissivity and brightness
Process the images to certain indices using simple band math.
Overlay a vector file and calculate the mean values of the raster within the
vector region.
I would like to do this for many different files images.

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 12:01 AM, David Warde-Farley <dwf at cs.toronto.edu>wrote:

> On 14-Aug-09, at 6:18 PM, questions anon wrote:
> > Can anyone suggest any good python books or tutorials for using
> > satellite imagery?
> And doing what with it? You'll have to be more specific.
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