[SciPy-User] [SciPy-user] scipy.stats.stats mannwhitneyu vs ranksums?

josef.pktd at gmail.com josef.pktd at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 10:29:14 EDT 2009

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 8:54 PM, Sturla Molden<sturla at molden.no> wrote:
> My memory serves me badly, that was Kendall's tau. It is still pending
> review though.
> http://projects.scipy.org/scipy/ticket/893
> Sturla

I'm aware of the waiting list for stats enhancement tickets, but I'm
only slowly getting used to assigning correct labels.

I should have moved Ticket 893 to the "needs work" status. The main
part, that prevents it from quick inclusion, is the missing variance
calculation to be able to calculate the pvalue. I looked at it at the
end of our long discussion, but I only left my comments in the threat.

I guess, I was to tired from several days of struggling with
kendalltau, mannwhitneyu and friends, that once the confusion was
cleared up and the bugs fixed, I wasn't in the "mood" of struggling to
program in cython and get a cython based enhancement into svn (a first
for me)  (and I needed to get busy with other things).

I started this summer to go through (some of) the stats tickets. But
with the work on stats.models and other things that I'm interested in,
eg. some extensions to the distributions, I don't have much time to
finish up the missing work in "needs work" enhancement tickets. Bug
fixes still have top priority, and filling in missing tests is second.

Any help is very welcome.


> Sturla Molden skrev:
>> Josef,
>> I believe we had an discussion about various versions of Wilcoxon and
>> Mann-Whitney some months ago. I find a discussion of this from february.
>> We (or I alone?) also wrote Cython versions of the test, which I cannot
>> find now. I should have filed a ticket then. :-(
>> Regards,
>> Sturla Molden
>> josef.pktd at gmail.com skrev:
>>> On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Elias Pampalk<elias.pampalk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> I did a quick comparison between Matlab/stats (R14SP3), R (2.8.1), and
>>>> Python/SciPy (0.7). Maybe this is somehow useful for others too.
>>> ...
>>>> Elias
>>> Thanks for doing this, this is very helpful. I attached the comparison
>>> to ticket:901
>>> Except for one case, the numbers look pretty good.
>>> However, documentation is still weak, and some of the code duplication
>>> could be removed.
>>> Josef
>>> (I didn't look at it closely before, because I was on vacation at that time.)
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