[SciPy-user] building 64bit scipy

Dan Yamins dyamins at gmail.com
Mon Apr 20 11:33:39 EDT 2009

> So are you saying that I should
>   1)  find and edit the LDFLAGS and FFLAGS lines of Make file with the
> options shown above, and
>   2) then do "python26 setup.py install" at the shell
> or:
>   just execute the command
>      LDFLAGS="-arch x86_64 -undefined dynamic_lookup -bundle" FFLAGS="-arch
> x86_64 -O2 -Wall -fPIC" python26 setup.py install
>  at the shell?
> Sorry for this question and my ignorance.

I guess you obviously don't mean the second thing (e.g. the one shell

Maybe a better way to ask this is:   could you give me a step-by-step
description of exactly what I should do?   E.g. which files to edit, where,
and then what shell commans to run.

Mostly until now for installing python packages that have setup.py files for
setuptools installations, I've just been using the setuptools, and not
running any compiler configuration steps or makes.  So I'm not sure where
exactly I'm supposed to make the flags edits that you suggested.   (E.g. I
don't know where to look for the Make file, &c)  And then I'm not sure what
shell commands to run.

 Sorry for my ignorance, and thanks for all the help!

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