[SciPy-user] Performance problem/suggestion for scikits.timeseries.convert

Pierre GM pgmdevlist at gmail.com
Tue Apr 7 12:38:54 EDT 2009

Thanks a lot for the report.
There could be some improvement to do on ma.apply_along_axis, but I'm  
afraid I won;'t be able to work on it any time soon. I'll try to find  
a substitute to apply_along_axis in the mean time, we'll keep you  

Personally, I rarely use the func parameter of convert, preferring to  
deal directly w/ the 2D series a basic .convert(.., func=None)  
outputs. It's quite useful when you have several operations to perform  
on the same series (eg, getting the mean & std deviation...), as you  
convert the series only once.
Note that in your example, you shouldn't have to recreate a series:

qt = t.convert(freq="Q")
mqt = qt.mean(-1)

Mmh. We really need to get these "Examples/FAQ" sections in the doc...

Cheers and thx again

On Apr 7, 2009, at 12:17 PM, Abiel X Reinhart wrote:

> I have recently begun working with the useful scikits.timeseries  
> package, and noticed some performance issues in the ts.convert()  
> function. For example, when converting 1000 monthly values to a  
> quarterly frequency using the ma.mean() function, it took me about  
> 0.6 seconds. This isn't that bad, but it definitely can become an  
> issue when working with many series or longer timespans.
> After looking at the scikits.timeseries source code, I found  
> essentially all the delay was coming from the ma.apply_along_axis()  
> call inside _convert1d() function. I am not that familiar with the  
> numpy functions, but it seems that ma.apply_along_axis can be be  
> rather slow. For instance, consider the following code:
> a = np.arange(300000).reshape(30000,10)
> b = ma.mean(a,-1)
> c = ma.apply_along_axis(ma.mean, -1, a)
> In this example, b = c, but b is generated much quicker. My system  
> was always able to generate b in less than 0.02 seconds. but took  
> about 4.3 seconds to generate c.
> Perhaps an improvement could be made to the convert() function by  
> recognizing a standard set of built-in numpy functions like ma.mean  
> and applying the method used to generate "b" above, and only using  
> ma.apply_along_axis() for custom functions. Since I imagine most  
> people use standard aggregation functions like ma.mean and ma.sum,  
> this could lead to a big speed improvement. I am building a GUI  
> application, and this would make the difference between an  
> application that reacts essentially instantly and one that hangs  
> slightly in many situations.
> One other possible solution seems to be leave scikits.timeseries  
> unchanged, and do something like the following:
> Let t be a monthly time series.
> t = t.convert(freq="Q")
> t = ts.time_series(ma.mean(t,-1), freq="Q", start_date=t.start_date)
> The downside of this is its just more verbose, and many users may  
> not even think of it.
> Thanks very much.
> Abiel
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