[SciPy-user] Problems Building / Installing SciPy on OSX Leopard

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Tue Sep 30 00:35:56 EDT 2008

luis cota wrote:
> I first tried installing using the OSX SuperPack.  The install seemed
> to work, though when importing scipy.integrate, Python crashed because
> of an error with the referenced modules.  This probably has something
> to do with my OSX setup, though I am not sure where to look.  I have
> installed the latest gFortran and the latest FFTW-3 library as well. 
> I have appended my build log at the end of this email.
> Any help greatly appreciated ... thanks!

Hi Luis,

    I am sorry for the trouble. For the building part, which gfortran
are you using ? I suspect you are using a very recent gfortran, which is
not stable (you see a compiler crash, which is not a good sign :) ).

Please use this one:


In particular, do not use this one for the time being:




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