[SciPy-user] scipy.optimize.leastsq and covariance matrix meaning

massimo sandal massimo.sandal at unibo.it
Mon Nov 10 06:13:04 EST 2008

massimo sandal wrote:

> I'll try to sketch up a script reproducing the core of the problem with 
> actual data.

Here it is. Can anyone give it a look to help me understand if and how 
to make sense of the covariance matrix?


Massimo Sandal , Ph.D.
University of Bologna
Department of Biochemistry "G.Moruzzi"

snail mail:
Via Irnerio 48, 40126 Bologna, Italy

massimo.sandal at unibo.it


tel: +39-051-2094388
fax: +39-051-2094387
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