[SciPy-user] syntax for indexing

Angus McMorland amcmorl at gmail.com
Fri Nov 7 12:47:40 EST 2008

2008/11/7 Michael Hearne <mhearne at usgs.gov>:
> Assume that I have a setup like this:
> from pylab import *
> x = random((4,4))
> I know how to get the indices of the values that are (for example),
> greater than 0.5:
> i = (x > 0.5).nonzero()
> How do I get the indices for those values in x that are greater than 0.5
> AND less than 0.8?
> I tried:
> i = (x > 0.5 && x < 0.8).nonzero()
> i = (x > 0.5 & x < 0.8).nonzero()
> i = (x > 0.5 and x < 0.8).nonzero()
> to no avail.  Is this the wrong approach?

Very close. Because of their place in the evaluation order, logical
operators need to be separated by brackets.

i = ((x > 0.5) & (x < 0.8)).nonzero()

should do what you want.


AJC McMorland
Post-doctoral research fellow
Neurobiology, University of Pittsburgh

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