[SciPy-user] iPython: How to reload & run

Allen Fowler allen.fowler at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 25 17:36:03 EDT 2008

> >  New iPython user here....
> >
> >  Typing %run only reloads the actually file... any of my modules are not 
> reloaded even if I've chenged them.
> >
> >  Is there short-cut command to %run a file and forcefully reload any modules 
> that its uses?
> No, unfortunately no.  I typically just put a few judiciously chosen
> reload(foo)
> reload(bar)
> atop the script itself.  You should keep in mind that generically,
> reloading is tricky business: it's order-dependent, and what to do
> with already in-memory objects when their supporting modules change
> isn't clear.
> Python still has a way to go before we catch the fabled lisp machines
> from the 70's in terms of interactive modifications of live code, I'm
> afraid.


This being the case.. is there a way to simply do a quick "reset everything, and then run this file"?  

-- Thanks

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