[SciPy-user] Runge-Kutta ODE vs. built-in tools

Zane Selvans zane at ideotrope.org
Mon Mar 17 17:10:01 EDT 2008

Anne Archibald wrote:
> On 17/03/2008, Zane Selvans <zane at ideotrope.org> wrote:
>>  Does anyone have a little piece of example code that uses the built in
>>  ODE solvers successfully on their system so I can test my system, and
>>  get a better idea of how to use the tools?  Maybe running on a set of
>>  equations with a known analytic solution for comparison?
> There is (now) an entry in the scipy tutorial:
> http://www.scipy.org/SciPy_Tutorial#head-3daf2af2101f73b650604a8e5553301ba5d5cfc6
> It's very simple, but it should be enough to get you started.

Thanks, I also found another couple of examples of varying complexity:


> You can also verify that your scipy is installed correctly with scipy.test().

Unfortunately, I can't actually.  The version I finally got to work came 
from the current SVN repository, and the test() framework is undergoing 
some changes.  It's currently not functional.  But I did run through the 
above examples in my interpreter, and it gives the right answers, so it 
seems I have the integrate package working.  Will play with it a bit now.

>>  I'm a grad student at the University of Colorado/Caltech working on the
>>  tectonics of icy satellites - I'm modeling the tidally induced stresses
>>  on the surface of an icy satellite that has a subsurface ocean (like
>>  Europa or Ganymede or Titan), so that I can compare those stresses to
> Fascinating! I'd love to see the results when you get it working...

Well, glad to know there's at least one person on Earth who thinks it's 
interesting :)

Zane Selvans
Amateur Human
zane at ideotrope.org
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