[SciPy-user] [Newbie] High-performance plotting of?large?datasets

Alan G Isaac aisaac at american.edu
Tue Mar 4 01:19:00 EST 2008

>> On Mon, 3 Mar 2008, Gael Varoquaux apparently wrote:
>>> * Type validation of attributes: the attributes of an object can be given 
>>>   a type descriptor (more precisely a validation method) and the
>>>   compliance of the attribute is checked at run-time when this attribute
>>>   is set. This is very useful for complex codebase, but probably not for
>>>   you.

> On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 07:20:05PM -0500, Alan G Isaac wrote:
>> Can you easily state briefly how this differs from the use of 
>> properties (with type checking on the setter)? 

On Tue, 4 Mar 2008, Gael Varoquaux apparently wrote:
> Fundementaly, I don't think this differs much. You have a lot of 
> syntactic sugar around it, which makes the code more readable, and easier 
> to reuse, as it gives the commonly used patterns (dynamical 
> initialisation, delegation, as well as a lot of existing validation 
> types). Don't under-estimate the work to get the syntax 
> and the different patterns right. When you use it a lot, 
> Traits simply "feels right". ...
> In addition, the property-calling code is written in C, 
> which makes it orders of magnitude faster than standard 
> Python properties. 


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