[SciPy-user] [Newbie] High-performance plotting of large datasets

Travis E. Oliphant oliphant at enthought.com
Sat Mar 1 22:13:00 EST 2008

Bryan Cole wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm an ex-LabView user, now using python for lab data-acquisition and
> analysis for some years now. It's well worth the switch.
> Your best bet is
> http://pyqwt.sourceforge.net/
> You're right, matplotlib/chaco are too slow for "interactive real-time"
> type work. The strengths of these packages are their
> presentation-quality output (vector and anti-aliased bitmap graphics).
Are you sure you meant that  *chaco* is too slow?  The stated difference 
of chaco with matplotlib is interactive plotting and I know a bit of 
effort goes in to making it fast.

I'm curious what problems you tried chaco on for which it was too slow.  

-Travis O.

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