[SciPy-user] iteratively masking timeseries

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Thu Jun 12 17:14:03 EDT 2008

I am making my way forward into timeseries processing with the scikit 

I have a timeseries where NoData values are masked when loading the data 
into the timeseries.

Now I would like to apply some filters on the data like discarding data 
values below measurement device accuracy or above a certain threshold.

Therefore I followed the appraoch outlined in the FAQ [1].
But then I get the pasted below at the end.

Does that mean that one can only mask an array once and cannot mask more 
values later on?

I would like to do something like:

1) create timeseries with NoData values => already can do that
2) apply various filters masking more and more data.
	a) e.g. get a series with masked values below 10.
	b) e.g. get a series with masked values above 100.

I would appreciate any help or hint here.

Kind regards,

#### pasted from Ipython ####

In [18]: mask[mask<0] = numpy.ma.masked


IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

D:\scripts\timeseries.py i

----> 1





C:\python25\lib\site-packages\scikits\timeseries\tseries.pyc in 

     522         if self is masked:

     523             raise MAError, 'Cannot alter the masked element.'

--> 524         (sindx, _) = self.__checkindex(indx)

     525         super(TimeSeries, self).__setitem__(sindx, value)

     526     #......................................................

C:\python25\lib\site-packages\scikits\timeseries\tseries.pyc in 

     490             msg = "Masked arrays must be filled before they can 
be use

     491                   "as indices!"

--> 492             raise IndexError, msg

     493         return (indx,indx)


IndexError: Masked arrays must be filled before they can be used as indices!

#### end from Ipython ####


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