[SciPy-user] openopt: which NLP solver?

David Cournapeau david at ar.media.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Fri Jan 25 08:21:15 EST 2008

dmitrey wrote:
> Matthieu Brucher wrote:
>>     > P.S.: I'm having some troubles building openopt in ubuntu gutsy.
>>     > "sudo python setup.py install" works but "python setup.py build"
>>     > does not, requiring a previously installed "scikits" package. How
>>     > can I install openopt in a custom path instead of
>>     /usr/local/lib/... ?
>>     >
>>     Try using "python setup.py", it must ask you what to do (cho0se
>>     install)
>>     and destination (choose your own)
>> This is a known issue that dmitrey _must_ fix when he has time. The 
>> issue shows up because a lot of paths are added to sys.path, Robert 
>> already gave him the solution.
>> Matthieu
> Yes, and this is one of issues why (as I had informed some month ago) I 
> don't want openopt being part of scipy: I have no enough time to satisfy 
> all those (changing from time to time) strict requirements to docstring 
> standards, unittests, build system etc.
The above issue has nothing to do with docstring or test requirement: it 
is a basic python requirement, and has not changed for years.

If you do not have time to change for this, someone else may have the 
time, by the way :)



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