[SciPy-user] flagging no data in timeseries

Tim Michelsen timmichelsen at gmx-topmail.de
Sun Jan 13 18:44:20 EST 2008

Hello again,
>>>>>> myvalues_ts_hourly = masked_where(myvalues_ts_hourly , -999)
>> All I got as output was:
>>  > --
>> What does that mean?
> That it's masked. The '--' is the defulat way to display masked values. Check 
> the mask directly w/ 
> myvalues_ts_hourly.mask
I did as you suggested. Now, all values are flagged/masked.

Please give me a comment on my code below.
I have also created a small sample data set further down this message. I
would highly appreciate if you could give me a code example on how to
read this data in with all -999 values masked as NoData and then create
a timeseries object with it.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

*** START CODE ***

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as N
import maskedarray as MA
import datetime
import timeseries as TS
from timeseries.lib.moving_funcs import mov_average_expw
from timeseries import plotlib as TPL
import pylab
# project settings contains file names etc.
import project_settings

### some functions

## plot functions
def plot_series(series):
     do a simple plot on a time series
     input: a time series object

     fig = TPL.tsfigure()
     fsp = fig.add_tsplot(111)
     fsp.tsplot(series, '-')    # comment for moving average only
     dates = series.dates
     quarter_starts = dates[dates.quarter != (dates-1).quarter]
     fsp.tsplot(series, '-', mov_average_expw(series, 40), 'r--')
  # comment for moving average only
#    fsp.tsplot(mov_average_expw(series, 40), 'r--')    # uncomment for
moving average only
     fsp.set_xlim(int(series.start_date), int(series.end_date))
     # pylab.savefig('myvalues_'+location+'.png')

def csv_report(series, csv_file_name):
     write a CSV report for a series
     input   timeseries object
             output file name
     csv_file = open(csv_file_name, 'w')
     strfmt = lambda x: '"'+str(x)+'"'
     #fmtfunc = [None, None, strfmt]
#    csvReport = TS.Report(series, fmtfunc=fmtfunc, mask_rep='#N/A',
delim=',', fixed_width=False)
     csvReport = TS.Report(series, fmtfunc=None, delim=',',
     csvReport() # output to sys.stdout
     csvReport(output=csv_file) # output to file

### program code

# load data into array
data = N.loadtxt(project_settings.datafile, comments='#',
delimiter='\t', converters=None, skiprows=2, usecols=None, unpack=False)

# define start date
D_hr_start = TS.Date(freq='HR', year=2001, month=5, day=10, hour=0)

# subscript only desired data column
desired_values = data[:,5]

# create timeseries object
desired_values_ts_hourly = TS.time_series(desired_values,

# mask NoData values (-999)
desired_values_ts_hourly_masked = MA.masked_where( -999,

# show masked values
print desired_values_ts_hourly_masked.mask

### prepare simple reports
# timeseries to use for report
# report_series = desired_values_ts_hourly
report_series = desired_values_ts_hourly_masked

# output
csv_report(report_series, project_settings.csvfile)

*** END CODE ***


date	hour_of_day	value
01.02.2004	1	247
01.02.2004	2	889
01.02.2004	3	914
01.02.2004	4	292
01.02.2004	5	183
01.02.2004	6	251
01.02.2004	7	953
01.02.2004	8	156
01.02.2004	9	991
01.02.2004	10	557
01.02.2004	11	581
01.02.2004	12	354
01.02.2004	13	485
01.02.2004	14	655
01.02.2004	15	-999
01.02.2004	16	-999
01.02.2004	17	-999
01.02.2004	18	744
01.02.2004	19	445
01.02.2004	20	374
01.02.2004	21	168
01.02.2004	22	995
01.02.2004	23	943
01.02.2004	24	326
02.02.2004	1	83.98
02.02.2004	2	302.26
02.02.2004	3	310.76
02.02.2004	4	-999
02.02.2004	5	62.22
02.02.2004	6	85.34
02.02.2004	7	324.02
02.02.2004	8	53.04
02.02.2004	9	336.94
02.02.2004	10	189.38
02.02.2004	11	197.54
02.02.2004	12	120.36
02.02.2004	13	164.9
02.02.2004	14	222.7
02.02.2004	15	34.74
02.02.2004	16	85.34
02.02.2004	17	53.04
02.02.2004	18	252.96
02.02.2004	19	151.3
02.02.2004	20	-999
02.02.2004	21	57.12
02.02.2004	22	338.3
02.02.2004	23	320.62
02.02.2004	24	110.84


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                  Geographic Resources Analysis Support System
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                  GRASS extension for the Geospatial Data Abst
rc  libgrass                                   6.0.2-2.1ubuntu1 
                  GRASS GIS development libraries
ii  qgis-plugin-grass                          0.9.0-1 
                  Plugin for accessing GRASS data from QGIS
ii  libqgis0                                   0.8.1-1 
                  QGIS Geographic Information System - shared
ii  libqgis1                                   0.9.0-1 
                  QGIS Geographic Information System - shared
ii  qgis                                       0.9.0-1 
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                  Plugin for accessing GRASS data from QGIS
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