[SciPy-user] How to tell scipy setup that I have a INTEL fortran ATLAS/BLAS/LAPACK instead of g77

Berthold "Höllmann" berthold.hoellmann at gl-group.com
Thu Feb 21 05:27:34 EST 2008

(Message resent, i was not subscribed, so yesterdays version reached
the moderator only)

No matter what I do, I can't tell scipy to use the INTEL fortran API
conventions instead of the g77 conventions for fortran routine names
containing underscores:

hoel at pc047299:scipy-0.6.0 nm /usr/local/gltools/linux/lib/libf77blas_ifc91.so.3.8|grep atl_f77wrap_dtrsv
0000cfe0 T atl_f77wrap_dtrsv_
hoel at pc047299:scipy-0.6.0 nm build/lib.linux-i686-2.5/scipy/linsolve/_zsuperlu.so| grep atl_f77wrap_dtrsv
         U atl_f77wrap_dtrsv__

How can I set up scipy in a way that superlu tries to access
atl_f77wrap_dtrsv_ instead of atl_f77wrap_dtrsv__?

Kind regards

Berthold Höllmann
Germanischer Lloyd AG
CAE Development
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20459 Hamburg
Phone: +49(0)40 36149-7374
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e-mail: berthold.hoellmann at gl-group.com
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