[SciPy-user] Python on Intel Xeon Dual Core Machine

Matthieu Brucher matthieu.brucher at gmail.com
Mon Feb 4 03:59:40 EST 2008

2008/2/4, Lorenzo Isella <lorenzo.isella at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> And thanks for your reply.
> A small aside: I am getting interested into parallel computing with
> Python since I am a bit surprised at the fact that postprocessing some
> relatively large arrays of data (5000 by 5000) takes a lot of time and
> memory on my laptop, but the situation does not improve dramatically
> on my desktop, which has more memory and is a 64-bit machine (with the
> amd64 Debian).
> A question: if I use arrays in Scipy without any special declaration,
> are they double precision arrays or something "more" as a default on
> 64-bit machines?
> If the latter is true, then can I use a single declaration (without
> chasing every single array) in order to default to standard double
> precision arithmetic?
> Cheers
> Lorenzo

The default is to use doubles on every platform (32 or 64 bits). BTW, single
precision is not faster than double precision for not-vectorized loops (like
additions), so if memory is not a problem, Numpy's behaviour is the best ;).
Using long doubles will not enhance speed.

French PhD student
Website : http://matthieu-brucher.developpez.com/
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